Muchilot Bhagavathi has total eighteen kavus in Kerala. Among them Perne Kshetram is the last and important. Perne has total five shrines.


Malayali Daiva

  1. Muchilotu Bhagavathi

  2. Kannanagat Bhagavathi

  3. Narambil Bhagavathi

  4. Pullurali

  5. Vettakkoru Magan

  6. Pullur Kannan

  7. Moovalamkuzhi Chamundi

  8. Vishnu Moorthy

  9. Thalachilon

Tulu Daiva

  1. Beernalva

  2. Padinjar Chamundi

Kannanagat Bhagavathi

Kannanagat Bhagavathi holds the second-highest position among the deities in Muchilot Kavus. Her narrative is intertwined with that of Lord Krishna. When Devaki was imprisoned, she gave birth to her eighth child, Lord Krishna. To protect the newborn from Kamsa, Vasudeva, Devaki's husband, exchanged him with Yashoda's baby girl in Ambadi and pretended the girl was his own. Kamsa, who had been warned by a prophetic voice that Devaki's eighth child would be his doom, attempted to kill this girl. However, the girl miraculously evaded his grasp and informed Kamsa that his enemy, 'Kannan', had already been born and was alive.

This deity is referred to as Kannanagat Bhagavathi, a name that translates to "Bhagavathi who has revealed Lord Krishna." The Maniyani community also reveres Kannanagat Bhagavathi in their worship.

Pullur Kali Bhagavathi and Pullura Kannan

Pollur Kali is revered as a goddess and Pullur Kannan as a male deity. These divine figures are known as Puli (tiger) theyyams. Their tale unfolds with Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati, who took the guise of tigers while dwelling in a forest. In time, they were blessed with five tiger cubs, named Kanda Puli, Mara Puli, Kala Puli, Puliyoor Kannan, and Pullur Kali. Shortly after their birth, Shiva and Parvati, having bestowed their blessings upon the cubs, departed for their abode in Kailasa.

As the cubs grew, they ventured from the forest and roamed the neighboring villages. On one occasion, they preyed upon cows owned by Karumbranthiri Vanavar. Enraged, he dispatched Karinthiri Nair to eliminate the tigers, but Nair met the same fate as the cows. When Karinthiri Nair failed to return, Karumbranthiri Vanavar set out to find him, but his servants struggled to move his cart. After praying to his family goddess, the cart miraculously began to move. A celestial voice then informed him that the tigers were not mere animals, but deities in tiger form, and that Karinthiri Nair was now in their company. Heeding the advice of astrologers, Karumbranthiri Vanavar commenced the ritual of theyyam to honor the tiger deities and Karinthiri Nair.

Moovalamkuzhi Chamundi

The story behind Moovalamkuzhi Chamundi revolves around rivalry between two Thanthri families. In between their tantric rituals, Chandika devi ( incarnation of goddess Durga) was born. Chandika devi was a peace loving goddess. One of the Thanthris locked the goddess in a chembu pathram (copper vessel) and buried it in a hole which was so deep that three people could stand on top of each other and still be underground. Devi was so powerful that she came out of the ground and ran after the enemies. As she reached Thrikkannad Shiva temple Lord Shiva calmed her down and gave her a place on the south of the temple. After this, devotees started worshiping Moovalamkuzhi Chamundi in Thrikkannad and surrounding temples.

Vishnu Moorthy

Vishnumoorthy is one of the Theyyams worshipped at all Muchilot kaavus. Vishnumoorthy represents one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Vishnumoorthy is actually the Narasimham avatharam, who killed Hiranyakashipu and blessed Prahladhan.

It tells the story of Palanthai Kannan, a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Palanthai Kannan, a native of Nileshwar in his boyhood, tried to pick mangoes from a mango tree owned by Kuruvatu Kurup. Without considering his age or the thirst for food, Kuruvat Kurup and his bodyguards beat him and drove away from Nileshwar. After that incident, Palanthai Kannan went to Mangalore and took shelter in a Vishnu temple there. There he obtained the blessings of Lord Vishnu and years later, he returned to his homeland, Nileshwar. Within a short time, the news of the arrival of Palanthai Kannan spread in all across Nileshwar, Kadalikulam. Hearing the news, Kuruvat Kurup and his men came to the Kadalikulam and killed Palanthai Kannan. The God Vishnu who accompanied his ardent devotee Palanthai Kannan was provoked and destroyed everything near by Kuruvat tharavad. Kuruvat kurup frightened and call an astrologer. He identified the presnece of God and advised Kurup to a make a Kettikkolam for Lord Vishnu and build a shrine for the God which is being worshipped as Vishnumoorthi.


In Nekraje of Kumble seeme there was a carpenter Perikolli who had a sword named “Palli Balu”. He worshipped that sword. One day a young man named Beernalva came to his shop asking for a sword. Suddenly a daiva entered his body and took “Palli Balu”.This theyyam solved many problems of Kumbla Seeme.

When Shree Muchilot Bhagavathi came from Karivellur to settle in Kumbla seeme, she first went to Bedradka Poomani-Kinnimani Kshetra. She was instructed to ask the permission of Adoor Mahalingeshwara. Beernalva daiva guided her to Adoor temple and then to Perne. Hence, there is a shrine for Beernalva in Perne.

Pandinzar Chamundi

There have been historical references to Dhumraksha(Dhumasura) who is believed to have been creophagous and caused carnage of civilisations. He enjoyed a boon whereby he could be killed only by a person who was a man and a woman at the same time. Devotees prayed to Lord Shiva to solve their misery. Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati descended from mount Kailasa to vanquish the demon. On their way, Parvati felt uncontrollably hungry. Shiva tried to satisfy her hunger through various ways but she could not be satisfied. At last, Shiva told Parvati to eat him to satisfy her hunger. Goddess Parvati tried to swallow Shiva, but Shiva would not go beyond her throat. At that moment, Shiva and Parvati merged and transformed into Raja Daiva, a male-female form. Raja Daiva had the face of a man and the part below the throat was that of a woman. In the throat of Raja Daiva was the sacred lingam and Raja Daiva wore a crown of nagas (snakes). Raja Daiva vanquished Dhumasura and thus became known as Dhumavathi – "the vanquisher of Dhumasura". Later, Raja Daiva took various other forms to vanquish other of Dhumasura's demon associates. This Raja Daiva/Dhoomavathi is being worshipped as Pandinhar Chamundi in Kumble seeme.